Monday, October 17, 2011


I think I secretly enjoy taking pixx of ppl on the sly, or maybe not so sly. It makes me feel like a some sorta paparazzi on the move~ 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Thats part of China/Tibet for you guyz. I think I still prefer pixx in b/w. The plan was to upload allllll my favv pixx but then I got lazy, too greedy for my own gd. Till the next time hunnies :>

So basically, Ive never seen so many mountains in my life. Once a country bumpkin, always a country bumpkin uhh~ 

Monday, October 3, 2011


Ok no more b/w Tibet pixx after this post I promise! Looking at the pixx I wna get out of Sg again but school's starting so tooooo bad~